Saturday, July 23, 2005

Do you remember much about junior high?

I know. It was, like, 100 years ago, but stick with me.
If you're anything like me, you weren't one of the popular kids in school. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't a freak, Goth, nerd, jock, prep or anything else. I was just me, but that was my thing. I didn't fit in with any one clique, so I wasn't really a part of a social sub-group smaller than the 150 kids in my class.
Anyway, the point here: Remember the first time you were invited to party at a popular kid's house, and all the other popular kids were there? You walked in, and the popular kids were actually talking to you. You could feel your internal popular-ometer going into the red, and you felt like your chest was visibly pulsing.
Do you remember that fluttery, first-kiss feeling you got when -- even for a moment -- you were one of the popular kids?
If you do, than you know exactly what I'm feeling right now. I blogged a couple days ago about Nickerblog, and I got an e-mail from Shane Nickerson yesterday.
I have spent the last couple of hours reading several blogs, including Nickerblog, and I bumped into Wil Wheaton's Web site. The same friend that turned me onto Nickerblog gave me the lead on Wil's site, but I had to see it for myself.
For those of you doing the same thing I did -- "Wil Wheaton... Why do I know that name?" -- let me tell you, you know it for a good reason.
Wil was Gordie Lachance in Rob Reiner's 1986 film, Stand by Me with River Phoenix, Corey Feldman, Jerry O'Connell, Kiefer Sutherland, John Cusack and Richard Dreyfuss.
"I am acting my age. I'm in the prime of my youth and I'll only be young once."

"Yeah, but you're gonna be stupid for the rest of your life."
That is one of my all-time favorite movies. In fact, every time I pass a strange dog and it barks at me, I still say aloud, "Chopper, sic balls!"
This is a junior-high-party-with-the-popular-kids-moment.
I wonder if any of the guys in the movie have kept in touch (with the obvious exception of River Phoenix)?

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