Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Pray for Terri

The news of the week is Terri Schiavo.
I understand people's reluctance to let her starve to death, but would it be any easier if it were a matter of pulling the plug of a life support system?
Experts have said there is no hope of Schiavo recovering from a permanent vegetative state, and I tend to agree -- in my infinite medical wisdom -- that surviving for 15 years in such a state is miraculous in itself.
I can't imagine why people wouldn't think her husband would make such a decision that isn't in his wife's best interest, as well as his own. I trust him, and I respect his decision.
My other big beef is with protesters. Who are you, and since when do you have a say in other's lives?
Or deaths, for that matter?
Michael Schiavo has made perhaps the most difficult and heart-wrenching decision any husband could ever have to make, and everyone is condemning him. Like he doesn't have enough to stress about. Do you really think he wants his wife to suffer?
Something my mother told me when I was just a young boy:
Mind your own business.
My prayers are with Michael and Terri Schiavo.

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