Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Whack jobs or free thinkers?

9-11 seems so far behind us now, but it's omnipresent in that it has dramatically changed our everyday lives.
I'm not usually a big supporter of conspiracy theories, and even this one makes me wince a little. But it raises some good points, and makes a decent argument.
Perhaps the people labeled militants and nonpatriotic nuts by mainstream society deserve to be listened to. While we would like to consider ourselves intelligent and open-minded, maybe there is something to the argument that most Americans have become desensitized to the government and it's power. Perhaps we are just sheep, blindly accepting what we're told by elected officials.
Wow. I'm a little depressed right now.


Anonymous said...

I found the music entertaining, and they make some interesting observations...If all this happened, and there are all these video tapes and eyewitness accounts that coutner what we were fed, then why no public outcry? Why no congressional hearings? Why no 9/11 report smoking gun?
I will say there are some talented people out there....

Anonymous said...

My point was a lot more shallow that you gentlemen gave me credit for...I was just wondering why this hadn't been publicy "outed?" And by that I mean; Why it isn't a 60 minutes expose? Why independent researchers haven't confirmed or denied these accounts? Was this looked into by the 9/11 commission or not? Why haven't those so deeply opposed to President Bush used this to humiliate him and his administration? If this is true, who is doing to cover-up? Why do we stand for this?

Another point I'd like to make that is completely my own; I don't think it is a question of "whack job or free thinkers" but rather this piece/video/website, in this producer or authors' mind was someone's (or a group of someones') take/angle on a particular narrow event.

Have you ever heard a researcher say I can make the data tell me whatever I want the data to tell me? I think many times, people can make particular slices of anything look any way they want it to look. Who took the video survellience footage and why? Looks like an episode of "Myth-busters" is in order....