Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Domestic threats?

According to an report from the Society of Professional Journalists, there is a bill moving quickly in the Senate that would create the first-ever agency categorically exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
As the article points out, the idea is to protect the new Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency (BARDA) from public health and safety threats, but "it guts the public safety benefit that flows from citizen participation in government. The key to public health is the public, which cannot avoid transmission of epidemic or pandemic disease unless it has knowledge of the disease, and understanding of how to treat it."
It's quite obvious our government, charged with protecting us from external threats, has become so obese, it is a threat to the very freedoms and liberties it's supposed to safeguard.
Pardon me for being a skeptic, but what's so top-secret about a bird flu pandemic? Is there some national security risk in stem cell research?
Politicians can really piss me off.

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