Thursday, November 03, 2005

Politics, politics. Oh, and computers.

There is enough crap on Capitol Hill without Rove, Libby and McClellan adding to the steaming pile.
Next year is a congressional election year, so with Karl and Scooter helping Pres. Bush's approval ratings reach the lowest ever, there will be some interesting maneuvering in the District.
Expect to see many Republicans distancing themselves from Bush's antics and specific ideas while trying to stay close to the party's ideology and platforms. The economy, education and national security still are big GOP issues, but much of the Right is starting to question what the President is doing.
In library news, what happened to the card catalogue? This may be easier, but then who will talk to Mr. Parr?
I wish I understood PC technology better, because after reading this, my only response is, "Huh?"

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