Friday, August 05, 2005

Yea! My first comment and response!

My mom wrote:
"I'm not really into politics, especially the national stuff because I don't think I have any control over that. I do like hearing about local concerns. Things closer to home have an impact on my life. Of course being your mother, I like to read about how you think and feel about most everything."
Well, first of all, thanks Mommy.
With all due respect, the national politics thing is way off. There are millions of Americans who need to remember that every voice counts. I know it seems overwhelming sometimes, but it's the truth. Some very wise men wrote a thing a few years ago that guarantees us that right. You may have heard of it, the United States Constitution?
I'm not trying to be critical or condescending, so forgive me if it reads that way. But we all need to respect our own value if we expect our elected officials to respect our ideas.
Local concerns are a newspaper's bread and butter. That's where we, as print journalists, do our best work; informing the people in our communities about what's going on around them, what their government is doing and how it impacts their daily lives.
Here is a wonderful example of the power journalists have.
It's always nice to get a letter or a quick e-mail from readers telling us we've done just that.
How I feel about most everything is really irrelevant. Well, actually, I'm always right, but don't' tell Mark.

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